Special Protection System

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Special Protection System is also known as 50+2 Overload Protection System, where 50 refers to instantaneous overcurrent relay, and 2 refers to time delay relay. The Department of System Planning, Taiwan Power Company (TPC), after evaluation and calculation, has requested a grid connection provider to install the system for its substations. The function of 50+2 is to make judgment based on actual overload current and time delay. Once the current reaches the pickup value and the time delay setup value, the system will be triggered for load shedding, so as to reduce the overload of units.

Multiple applications of Special Protection System (SPS)

1. Rapid response to large-scale systematic accidents

This system is mainly used to protect the power system when the power supply of the power plant trips. When a large accident occurs in the power system, SPS will carry out system rescue according to various planned protection schemes and trigger a large number of load shedding to prevent a system-wide blackout due to a unit trip accident. After some loads are tripped, the EGC/AFC mechanism will be used to stabilize the system and help it return to 60 Hz. It is sufficient to build one set of this system in Taiwan. Currently, one set of the system has been installed in TPC and is in operation. It has previously and on a number of occasions been utilized to the rescue of Taiwan’s power system.


2. Rapid response to 50+2 transmission line faults

As a regional transmission line protection system, this system is usually installed in large power plants at the end of the power grid. Generally, the output of multiple generator sets is transmitted to the power grid through multiple transmission lines for the use of users. When one of these transmission lines trips due to accidents, it may cause overloading of other lines in normal transmission (power transmission transfer) due to the reduction in the number of power transmission lines, resulting in tripping of the overloaded lines. In severe cases, all transmission lines of the power plant may trip due to a chain reaction, at which time the accident will have a major impact on the power system. With a fast detection and feedback mechanism, this system can prevent such a phenomenon. When an accident occurs, the power plant will be immediately notified to reduce the load, so as to avoid the overload phenomenon of the normal transmission lines and prevent the accident from expanding.


Application Architecture

Professional Team

Electric Control Division
Information Control Division
  • Electronic control planning and design
  • Relay planning, design, and testing
  • Protection and coordination

Service Items


  • ICP has experience in assisting TPC in upgrading and automating substations. Being familiar with TPC’s requirements for equipment specifications, we are able to tailor SPS solutions for customers. In addition to importing the IEC61850 information and communication technology we are good at, we can also provide one-stop service for projects.
    1. Participate in planning with our professional information control and electric control teams
    2. Provide designs in engineering drawings and backup mechanisms
    3. Assist in setting parameters such as line current, delay time, etc.
    4. Satisfy different manufacturers’ requirements for equipment specifications
    5. Have competitive advantages in price as a qualified equipment agent and distributor

Scope of Service

  • Solar power plant
  • Wind power plant
  • Project sites stipulated by the Department of System Planning, TPC


  • IED
  • Switch
  • RTU
IEC61850 IEC61850

IEC 61850

  • IEC 61850 is an international power standard communication protocol, which was formulated by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to define communication for intelligent electronic devices (IED) at substations
  • The purpose is to improve the situation of poor interoperability due to different communication protocols adopted by various power suppliers for substation automation
  • ICP is the first team in Taiwan to pass the 61850-10 international server certification